
6 December 2008

I apologise

I apologise for the break in blogging!! I love my blog as it's a way of keeping me 'on track'. As I've said before (I'm SO darn boring) life has been a bit hectic, expensive and worrying lately. Another week and that should be finished. I like to be in control of my life like most people, but I do hate being in the situation when I'm forced into making instant decisions, the consequences of which are somewhat unknown!

So, in order to relax (who am I kidding?) I've been making bookmarks as I love to have something useful to give away.

I'm off to the Lace Fair in a few minutes so I'll probably have lots to tell tomorrow!!!

4 December 2008

A playmate for Millie

This is Millie's playmate - a caterpillar!!

Now this poor soul hasn't been named yet but brain cell # 3 and Nick are both working hard trying to think of one for this wee chap. I think it's male. I would appreciate any help with this problem from anybody out there in tat land!

Two names that have come to mind are Cedric Caterpillar and Peter Pillar but neither are quite right. I think he needs a hat too so please keep watching to see if they get hats!!! I have written the text for these two patterns but still have to do the techniques to go with them and the drawings. Doubt if that will get done for a while as life is still pretty hectic. There is light at the end of the tunnel though and I hope the big hassle will finish on the 12th. I DO hope so!!!! Lack of sleep isn't doing me any favours either!!

3 December 2008

Let me introduce

Before I start the daily ramble and before I forget - I'd like to tell you that I've just reduced the prices of some of the items (Christmassy ones!) in my Etsy shop.

Now - allow me to introduce you to Millie. She's the latest arrival in my small corner of tat land. Millie the Millipede arrived yesterday evening. She asks you to excuse her dress sense as she didn't have the right colours on shuttles close to hand to show herself off at her best!!!! I actually think she needs a hat too. I've only posted a small picture as a 'teaser'. I'm adding her to my portfolio (doesn't that sound posh!) of patterns I'll be submitting for a teaching post at the Palmetto tatters tat days next year. She needs a friend so watch this space!!!

Seriously. I've been re-visiting some stuff I did in 2000. This was after a discussion with Joanie Culverhouse who reminded me about the celtic picot (or overlapping picot) butterfly and bug which I did back then. They were once on my site but have somehow got missed out during several re-incarnations of the pattern pages!!!

So, after a good night's sleep the night on Monday and another hectic day organising stuff I was able to settle down to play again yesterday evening. Millie is the result!!!!

2 December 2008

Well, I'm sorry

I've let everybody down by not having anything to report about what's happening in my little corner of tat land!!!!

Trouble is I've had so much happening in my 'ordinary' life and haven't been sleeping very well because of that! On Sunday and yesterday my main concerns were winning the 'battle of the large shrub'. Armed with secateurs on Sunday and two saws yesterday I'm pleased to report that the wretched thing has been tamed. Tamed almost to death. Why is it that plants seem to always grow in the wrong place and far too vigorously when you don't want them to and when you do they just shrivel up and die? Answers please in the comments section - perhaps we'll solve the problem together!

The only tatting related things I've done over the past few days are sewing the dinosaurs I made onto the dressing gown they were made for yesterday evening and getting in a total mess with an old pattern I decided to re-visit. I think this old pattern could prove a good teaching point for lessons but I've got to tame the silly thing first!!! I hope to have another 'bash' at it this evening - brain cell # 3 permitting, of course.

30 November 2008

How silly can you get?

I've always known the expression 'as silly as a sheep' and now I understand it all too well.

Baaaa, baaaa, baaaa. It's me - I'm as silly as a sheep!!!

The Christmas lights in town are all switched on which is a sure signal to me that the dreaded Christmas is almost here. Particularly dreaded this year as I've got so much else to be sorted and settled before then.

Anyway, I noticed the lights on Friday and said to myself (the only person who listens to me!) that I must get out my Christmas 'self' decorations - my Christmas tree earrings and matching brooch out and in use. WRONG. I realised that I hadn't got a set for myself so I spent Friday and Saturday evenings making a set!!! All the ones I've made are either in the Etsy shop or ready to give to people!!!