
20 December 2008

I hate this!

I hate it when I've done something new and I can't show it!!!

I finished Carter the Carterpillar and Millie the Millipede and they 'look well' together. They look as if they've been partners for years!! Not sure what their relationship is but we won't go into that in case of embarrassment!!!

Yesterday evening I finished Carter - once I'd tracked down his prototype and realised how I'd made the original!!! It took some time but I also managed to make his hat too and again that got the 'Nick seal of approval'.

Yesterday afternoon I managed to start drawing up Millie who is 'similar but not the same' as Carter. I'm just agonising over what to call a technique as I'm not sure if it's out in tat land. I must consult the experts - Georgia, Mark and anybody else I can think of. Actually if anybody who is reading this would like to offer an opinion then I'd very much welcome it. I can send descriptions of what I'm doing and/or drawings - depending on if I get to do them today!!!!

19 December 2008

I'm not sure!

I'm not sure whether to show you what I'm working on at the moment!!

I'm back to working on ideas to submit to Palmetto tatters for their Tat Days next year (which will soon be 'later this year'). I'm dying to show you but I suppose I'd better not!!!

I'll tell you a bit about this one. Remember Millie the Millipede? Well she's now completely 'sorted'. She now has a hat and the much revered and much needed 'approval of Nick'!!!

I've decided that the caterpillar will be called Carter the Carterpillar! (please note the spelling is deliberate!!). I got part way through him last night but gave up when my eyes started to close. When I've got his body sorted then he's going to need a hat too!!!

18 December 2008

From flowers to butterflies

Well it had to happen!!! The old git's on a roll and brain cell # 3 is sticking around for now!!!

Here are the butterflies that I've done. BUT I may well do more with more wings. There's no end to the fun that can be had with this technique. Well, I'm having fun but then it's better than real life when you live most of it in tat land!!!

Ah, the destructions on how to make these
are here.

17 December 2008

As promised - double beaded picots!

Something new but SO ridiculously easy it beggars belief!!! How does brain cell # 3 manage it, I ask myself?

I've added this page to my web site so you can 'have a go' yourselves. Let the imagination run riot!!! SO, SO easy I'm not sure that somebody hasn't done it before!! If they have then they must've borrowed brain cell # 3!!

I will show you the butterflies I've made using this same technique tomorrow. I'm again hoping to get a diagram up showing how the beads are added to make those too.

16 December 2008

A teaser!!

I've got something really exciting to show - but not today!! Sorry but I want to get the technique page 'up and running' before I show you.

Suffice to say - I'm quite pleased with this idea and dying to share. Why can't I ever keep secrets or ideas to myself?!?!?

I see lots of potential for this idea and want to try something else out before I 'launch' it.

Keep your eyes on this blog!!!!

15 December 2008

Just playing around

Late last night I made this little flower.
Nothing startling and just using what was lying around in tat corner. I see a lot of potential in this. I'm going to research another way of 'doing' the beads too.

14 December 2008

A small sense of achievement

Thank you, rain. Thank you, rain!!! Because it was too wet to go walking yesterday I spent time working on the new dangly flower pattern. It's not hard or complicated but it is proving a nightmare to draw!!! I think it would be impossible to work without drawings!!

Another small step for tat land was made yesterday too. I managed to get back working on one of the patterns I've been playing with as an idea for lessons. I'm reasonably pleased with the result although a little more work might be needed on the body of this critter.