6 November 2009

A few more centimetres along the way

This is the 'story so far'!!

Another day, another few centimetres!!!

During the day I'm doing something I've been promising myself for ages.  I'm tidying up my computer.  The new mac, that is.

Over the years I've collected SO much on tatting that I've just flung into a folder called 'tatting stuff'.  I did start making sub folders some years ago and there are a lot of famous names who have folders on the mac!!!  Some contain test tatting I've done, some have patterns and others have pictures.  There's still a lot of stuff which needs filing though.

Also the search for a new drawing program continues.  I've got it narrowed down to a choice of one!!!  I'll fill you in on that when I've finally decided.  I've got a limited trial version at the moment and so far have found it to be as good as if not better than the one I was using on the PC!!!


Hope said...

YEA!!!! I knew you would find a good one. Am so delighted to be having iMac fever with you... what FUN

Ridgewoman said...

Yes, the 3 Mac a Teers ~ UK AZ and NM
you guys are ahead of the curve...I'm still slogging along.

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.