
6 March 2009

I've finished!

Finally, and after about a month, I've finished the black motifs.

Now I do occasionally enjoy this type of mindless tatting. I've enjoyed doing these but found that I got obsessed by them. I couldn't stop until I'd used all the thread that Nicole sent!! Here you can see 'almost' 12 strips of 10 per strip. Each square took around 40 minutes to make.

Today I will post them to Nicole.

Next? Well the purple buttons are calling for pure relaxation. After that? Who knows? Not me!!!!

5 March 2009

Look what I found when I went to the shop by the tip!!!!

Aren't they just gorgeous?

Remember the mother of pearl buttons I've been working on? I'm going to have to see if one of the patterns 'fits' this size!!!

The one at the very top which is paler than the rest is one I tested for 'washability'. Well, I cheated. I poured boiling water onto it and the surface sort of started minutely to peal off. I scraped it all off with my fingernail and the result is probably even more pleasing than the originals!!!!

4 March 2009

Two pretty pieces from across the seas

These were sent to me a few days ago. Aren't they pretty? A tatter called Jane sent in her daisy picot pictures with the pattern below too.
Now, a bit about Jane in her own words-
I'm a Zimbabwean who has been living in South Africa for a few months. I learnt to tat 30 years ago, mainly from a teach-yourself pamphlet. When I became entirely immersed in spinning and knitting, I didnt tat for many years. But when I had to close my spinning business, it was a good chance to tat again. I discovered the world of tatting on the internet - wonderful! Since then I've really learnt a lot and had a lot of fun.
Yes, you can include my e-mail address if you like.

Her email address is
I love her comment at the bottom about writing it all down!!

Small motif
Daisy ring using yellow thread as core: 1([8 white]2), repeat 5 times, 1, Cl. 1[8]2[8]2[8]2[8]2[8]1
Using green thread and encapsulation method, 6, ring 4-4, 6
Make another 4 flowers, with 4 chains between, joining the rings 4+4. Make final chain and join to first flower.
Bigger motif
Same method, but I used 12 ds for petals, and chains were 8[r 6-6]8

Goodness, it's more difficult to write a pattern than I supposed. It looks easy when you do it! I hope this makes sense and is technically correct. I rather doubt it, so change things where necessary.

3 March 2009

Back to the black

I'm back on the black motifs and have now done 95!! I hope to do another few strips before sending them to Nicole early next week.

I did get sidetracked again yesterday by Martha Ess. She asked me to test tat another of her little teapots for her new book which should be ready soon. I think this one is my favourite although I did go wrong at one point! I'm going to re-do it from there again today.

Today? Hmmm, time for a tidy up around my computer in the upstairs 'office'!!! I'm sitting in a sea of papers, bits of tatting etc. In fact it's the paper version of tat corner which is downstairs!! I wish I'd been born a tidy person! Always tooo busy to tidy up.

I see that Iris has published the final day of her TIAS so will try and fit that in today. I hope it pours with rain this afternoon so that I have an excuse not to go walking! I really need the time today!!

2 March 2009

Iris's TIAS - day 4

I did it, I did it, I did it and all on my own this time!! I didn't have to be sneaky and wait for Laura to do hers first either!!!

I even (and this is totally true) did it at the end of the evening AND after a glass of red wine!! How's about that, then!! Oh, that was Saturday evening, by the way. I'm running a bit behind on posting BUT have some new things to show over the next few days!!

Now, whether it's right or not is a different matter.