
5 November 2011

They're ready, willing and able!

I'm talking about the new batch of Pop a Bobbin shuttles which are all waiting in the Etsy shop here.  They're willing to be bought and they'll be able to go on their voyage on Monday morning!!

All I've got to do is remember that at 6 o'clock GMT (18.00 hrs) today to set them free!!!  Etsy now lets you keep stuff as drafts whereas before this facility was added you had to list the item, then go and inactivate them straight away!!!  Nearly drove me bonkers!!!

Actually listing on a Saturday and at this time will mean that I'll have all Sunday to make sure they're packed and ready to go.  

If you happen to have overpaid on postage I always refund the excess back into the Paypal account used.  Forgot to mention that!!!

3 November 2011

Bright and cheerful pendant!

I'm still slowly working on my web pages.  They're doing OK but still need more work on the font sizes, I think.  The pictures are slowly being added and I've done the tips and techniques, animal, celebration and odds and ends pages too.  Takes ages to do but keeps me out of mischief!!!

I'd still got some thread on the shuttles when I'd finished the earrings so decided to make a pendant to match.
Normally I never leave thread on shuttles as I prefer to wind it back onto the balls - easy when using a bobbin shuttle and keeps the 'right colour' with the 'right ball'!!!  This time, though, as I'd got three strands on the bobbins I wasn't prepared to go to the trouble of winding back each strand separately.  Can you imagine trying to do that with a slightly 'lively' polyester thread?  So another plot had to be thought out.  I decided to make a pendant to match the earrings.

I'd still got some left after that so the little four double edging got made too.  No idea what I'm going to do with it but cannot bear to waste thread!!!

2 November 2011

MORE new earrings and shuttle news!!

OK, still playing with this bright thread I bought in the USA.  Here's what I made with them.  This is still double 'strength'!  Yet more new earrings.  I think I really ought to look into growing myself some more ears to dangle them from!!!

After a few comments about shuttles I've now decided that I'll list them at 6pm GMT on SATURDAY.

I also took time to re-stock my Etsy shop yesterday.  I've reduced the prices on almost everything.  

I'm still 'messing' with my web pages too and if you look at the Celebration page you'll see what I'm doing.  Takes time, though and I'll be working on the other links for the next few days so don't hold your breath!!!!  It's not good for your health to hold your breath - it can be fatal, you know!!!

1 November 2011

Shuttle talk

I have another batch of shuttles ready to list in my Etsy store.
I'm not sure when to put them in there, though.  I've tried different times on different days but still have no real idea on what suits people best!!!  I think the weekends - but would appreciate some suggestions.

If you visit Sally's blog you'll see that last Sunday the clocks changed back to GMT for us.  Don't forget - you'll need any suggestions to be made in GMT as I'll not be able to work out how to change yours to mine!!!  Brain cell 3 'doesn't do' time zones - poor old thing!!!!!

I have the following to sell and the prices are on the Pop a Bobbin shuttle page on the tab at the top of this blog.

Purple Heart 3 with hooks, 1 without
Ebony 1 with hooks
Mahonia 1 with hooks
Yew 2 with hooks
Apple 2 with hooks
Maple 2 with hooks
Afrimosa 2 with hooks
Walnut 1 with hooks
Oak 2 with hooks, 1 without
Cocobolo Rosewood 1 with hooks
Cherry 1 with hooks
Olivewood 2 with hooks
Holly 3 with hooks
American Tulipwood 2 with hooks

31 October 2011

Prettying things up!

Well I thought my home page was boring!!!  I decided that weeks ago but didn't have the time to get to sorting it.

Last weekend I did have time and sat down to add some images to 'cheer it up'.  DUH, I'd forgotten how to do it!!!  I used to use an html editor on the PC to make web pages but a few years ago changed to doing the files in pdf AND changed to a mac.  BUT my home page is or has to be in html and I'd forgotten 'how to' add images!!

So this weekend I made time to have another go.  I sat down with a blank mind and started.  Well, you'd never guess what happened.  Brain cell 3 turned up straight away and I realised how stupidly thick I'd been and  how easy it was!!!  Time consuming, yes.  Easy, yes!!!  I now present you with my 'new looking' home page.  Ta, daaaaa!!!!

I'm slowly going to 'decorate' the other link pages too.  That's (of course) if I haven't forgotten 'how to' again!!!