
3 May 2014

Lobsters are red!

What a stupid subject line!!!

I made this lobster which can be found here after a conversation with a young lady who is at a London fashion school doing a degree.

I've worked with youngsters like this before and it's great. I like to encourage anybody with any interest in shuttle tatting to use it in their work. Not sure exactly what she'll want next but her first love is the lobster which I did over Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

Exciting day today - I'm meeting Crazy Mom Tats and we're going to spend the day together while I show her the local sights.  More on that on Monday.

2 May 2014

Pearls of wisdom?!?!?

Or not - that depend on each individual's opinion!!!!

Pearl tatting is easy and very fast IF you have 'the knowledge'!!!!  There are many ways of doing this technique but this is my favourite way just because you can so quickly 'tat up a storm'!!!!

I decided that as I may need this technique while I'm at Tat Days or later on my visit to America I'd better take a long hard look at the page I did a few years ago once again!!!

I'm hoping that this will make this method of pearl tatting easier for folks to follow so here's the amended file.

Oh, and a picture from that page just to make this post a bit 'prettier'!!!!!

1 May 2014

More progress on the mystery

Well here's the next round and you can now see why the last one was slightly 'odd'. 

 Isn't it clever the way the designer made this round?

So, I think the next part (and there's more to come) will need to be different colours.  I'll have to think about that.

Meanwhile back on 'Planet Jane' life has been busy.  Lovely weather for a couple of days brought on a rash of gardening and that, along with other things going on in life hasn't given me much time for tatting during the day.  

When I say tatting during the day - it's mainly working on the computer on tatting related 'stuff'!!!!

30 April 2014

Final T-shirt!

Before starting - please take a look at number 94 on the Tat It And See blog here. Thank you, Ladytats.

The last of the trio of t-shirts got finished over the weekend!!! 

This time (to save getting bored) I used the SSSR 'trick' (hiding a thread in the first half) with a chain round. Well, I used that for the neck edging but then got fed up with that and decided on 'just' split rings for the sleeves. 

It's just enough, I think, to make the whole thing a little less boring.

29 April 2014

An odd row!

Now to continue the mystery tat that I'm doing. Nobody seems to have worked it out yet!!!

Isn't this a strange round? The pink sections (note - another change of colour!) look like horseshoes to me. 

Easy round to work with 'just enough' interest to keep me going!!!  Looking at the picture - slightly to the left of the centre at the top you can see that the 'horshoes' are not very stable!!!!  Well a lot of that is to do with the way I flung it onto the scanner!!!!

28 April 2014

Come fly with me!!!

I'm SOOOOO excited. 

My lessons have been accepted for Tat Days in September!! I'm going over the pond to join my friends old and hopefully new on the weekend I love the most. Palmetto Tat Days. Here's the link to their web site.  This year I've got to put on my bravest face and travel alone.  Sally isn't coming due to other commitments - I'm sorry to say.  I know she'll be sad that she'll miss the fun.  

I applied back in January or February (really can't remember) as soon as they asked for teachers as I'd secretly been discussing this with BC3.  I NEVER, EVER presume I'm going to get a place there as they might not like what I offer - or me either!!!  I always work on several patterns to give them more choice and thankfully they liked what I sent in!!!

This now means that I have a few patterns which didn't fit their constant search to offer a wide variety of techniques and fun things.  Those will be going up onto my pattern pages over the next few weeks - if I remember!!!!

Just wanted to show you the final green t-shirt finished.