17 August 2015

A new member of the Exclusive club!

StringyDogs is the latest person to join the mouse club and she sent in her little chap a couple of days ago. 

You can see him on the exclusive page at the top of the blog. I'm not going to say what StringyDogs had to say - you'll have to go and look for yourself but here are the pictures she sent.

This wee mouse has put temptation in my way yet again but I have to resist for a while as there are other 'things' I need to do to prepare for my trip to Canada and Fringe Element next month.  I must say that the other day I went to the site to look up what I needed to take in the way of tatting 'stuff' and found that it had changed and become much, much nicer.  Cleaner and more vibrant and with pictures too.  Here is a link to their new look web site.  


Pigmini said...

Welcome to the Club StringyDogs!! He is Beautiful!!! It's setting me off again!!! VBG

StringyDogs said...

Thank you, Jane for setting up the "club". I really doubt I would have made the mouse otherwise.
And, thank you, Pigmini, for the compliments! If I did the little critter again, I would make a few changes. But, I do like him as a "first born". :-)

Madtatter80 said...

A cute lace mouse to see. Love the big ears nice job Stringy :)

muskaan said...

This little mouse has Attitude - a cute adorable quality ! Is it begging for some more cheese ?
Nice work, StringyDogs :-)

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.