
3 March 2017

Finally and finally!!!

I've finished my Mochila bag. 

About halfway through I was already planning another one. Now I've finished this one I'm not sure. It's been one HECK of a learning curve and I'm not really happy with the finished item. I'm going to take a 'rain check' on whether I do another or not. 

Meanwhile the crochet 'bug' is still with me but I really need another idea or inspiration. All suggestions are welcome!!

1 March 2017

Black bracelet

Well it gave me a HARD time when I wanted to dismantle it!!!! I sat and cussed on the floor wriggling the pliers (two pairs) backwards and forwards. Must compliment Marks and Spencer's for a well made item!!!!

I finally got it apart and then set out to try and decide what to do with it!!! Below is the first result. Sadly the photographs of my ancient wrist wearing it didn't come out too well. You can see from the background that it was a wet, wet and grey, grey day. I've no idea what I'm going to do with this so if anybody wants it they're very welcome. It's pretty sparkly but sort of elegant too. As you can imagine - I don't 'do' elegant!!!!

I have ideas for the other 24 metal rings so watch this space!!!!

28 February 2017

Another pattern done.

I thought it was about time I showed you the other pattern I've submitted to the Fringe for their Tat Days in September. 

This started out as another idea but ended up like this!!! I'm quite pleased with it and will share it on my pattern site when I get back home in October. Well, I will if I remember!!!

27 February 2017

Mochila progress

Now you would think that using colours like these you'd automatically know which ones go where as you progress.   Well, most people would but I had to take out around 3  rows as some of the second (brown edged) diamonds were not brown but were green on the edges!!!  Least it was only 3 rows or so but boy, did BC3 get into trouble!!!!