
16 March 2018

Halfway round - who's kidding?

Well time goes on and I suddenly realised that I'd better give you an update on the diamond star situation!!! 

I'm keeping this as an 'out and about' piece of tatting as I know the pattern off by heart and can chat while I tat!!! Well, that's a bit of a lie as I still make mistakes from time to time.

The other evening I thought I was halfway round so decided to stick it under the iron to press it. Surprise, surprise - I'm not halfway round - yet. 

On this round I'm using four different sewing threads - two on each shuttle. I'll take a photo sometime of which ones I'm using. I'm also doing each star the same on this round as I'm pretty sure it'll be the final one as I'll not have enough thread combinations to add another round. Well, we'll see!!!

15 March 2018

Another pair!

This is the same pattern as the black/gold pair and the turquoise green ones but this time I've just used the same set of beads on all the 'spokes' to see what they look like.

I'm actually rather pleased with these and they 'sit' well on the aged ears too.

Now to make BC3 get on with the links in the pattern and get it onto the site!!! It all takes time and effort to do that!!!

14 March 2018

Oh, NO, not another!

Well Nick did say 'haven't you got enough already'? What am I talking about? Well, bags. 

Everybody but EVERYBODY knows you can never have enough tatting bags to carry stuff around in. Well, I don't think you can!!!

I bought this fabric in Canada on the way to the Fringe Tatting Day last year. It was at a place called Lens Mill which was close by. 

I've been waiting for the weather to warm up a bit so I can get to sew it up. I only bought half a yard so I was limited to what I could make from it. As the tatting print is rather large that also limited me as to what I could do with too. Lately going to several different craft groups I've found I need bags for different projects so a tatting bag was what I decided to make. This time it's padded and the bottom is stiffened so it sits up properly on the table. I'm really pleased with it. 

I've got a little bit of fabric left over so was going to make a purse thing to put the shuttles, scissors, hook etc into but then I remembered I'd got this dear little bag that I was given at the Fringe.  Perfect as I'll be able to find it in the bag with it's gorgeous bright colours.

13 March 2018

Just when you thought

this was going to be a mermaid free blog you're going to be WRONG!!!!

First of all - we now have 110 mermaids floating around on the TIAS blog which is great. Still time and room for more if you've got them.

Now today's free pattern is a tiny mermaid. This was done for the Fringe Element calendar back in 2015 or maybe 2016. I can't lay my hands on mine at the moment - time for another tidy up, I fear.

Actually I'll be honest. I was really struggling for an idea for this year's TIAS when I was clicking through the pattern files on my computer and came across the tiny mermaid. I thought 'why not'? Then knew that it wouldn't be big enough to give a proper TIAS run. 

I gave BC3 a ring and he reluctantly came out of hiding to give me a hand. So, now I give you the small mermaid which can be found here.

12 March 2018

Another kit

This is another Vicky Clarke kit with a doodad and beads.

This was an easy peasy tat and thoroughly enjoyable. As usual with Vicky's patterns it was really straightforward.

I think I've got one more kit left to do but that will have to wait until I get my latest projects sorted.