
12 June 2020

Onwards and outwards!!!

Round five now completed and I'm off to start on round six!!! 

This is a replica of round five BUT there are subtle differences on the stitch count in places.  Kept me on my toes - or rather on my butt.  Tat, tat, tat I went as I carried on doing the round!!!

Six is going to prove a challenge as it needs two shuttles and the nun tells you that in the pattern which is a great help.  Lots of twisting and messing about but the final round absolutely makes this doily stand out.  I'm going to devote the weekend to getting round six finished.  Well unless I get distracted which, as you know, often happens!!!

11 June 2020

Another task done

I'm not going to wear a mask until I absolutely HAVE to. I've made some just in case, though.

I've made seven so far (four for my daughter's family, one for another family member and two for me) and have a request for two more. 

This is probably the best photo you'll ever get of me as it hides most of my face!!! 

Couldn't resist using this fabric!!! This is the link where I got the pattern from. Really easy to make.

The main problem I have is that when I tried it on I found that I have to stop breathing or it steams up my glasses.  That in turn makes it quite dangerous to walk around - like in a heavy fog.  I probably need to get a snorkel or something to help take the steam away from my specs!!!  Life ain’t half hard for an oldie like me at times!!

It's actually not recommended by our NHS to stop breathing so I'm going to only wear one of these masks IF I have to.  

10 June 2020

Again and again!!

Well here's the correct round four!!! Pleased to have got over that hurdle!!!

9 June 2020

Snip, snip, snip!!!

This is/was/will be round 4 eventually!!!! I got to the end of round four (middle picture) and realised there was a mistake in round 3!!! 

Well that's a whole round cut out!!!

Guess what? It was totally and utterly my own STUPID fault too. Can you see that in round 3 there is a join to the middle of the two joined picots - where the cut threads are? Well, I missed one join there. I'd checked before starting round four too and it all looked fine. The bottom picture is the sad remains!!! 

When I had cut it off and started wondering quite how to repair round 3 I found that it was actually the last part of that round where I'd gone wrong so I was soon on my way again. More another day!!

8 June 2020

Third round Dutch doily

As you can see I’m still in love with this Dutch doily. I’d love suggestions for a name as I feel it deserves one. 

The large oval doily I did was called Juliana by the designer and Tim has suggested (bless him - he’s test tatting this one too) that this could be called Queen. What do you think? 

It’s going to have spiral chains in it so something to do with those may be appropriate?