
25 September 2020

Finally the final!!!

Well, final for now!!! 
This is the yarn I bought two weeks ago.  There's just enough for another pair of gloves but I like the yarn so much I know I'll be able to knit them another time when I've 'in the mood'.

I'm just so thrilled with the new way of knitting them - fingers to cuff that I know I'll want to play again sometime!!!

24 September 2020

A bit more Fandango ing!!

I pick this up from time to time in between knitting gloves.  

It always amazes me when I try things like this out how the colours 'go' together.  I take ages trying to decide which goes with which but find that in the end it's best to let instinct take over!!!  

This is the result of the third instinct.  

22 September 2020

Now they're a pair!

The green glove now has a friend!!!  

I'm going to make one more pair with my new yarn and then it'll be onto something else.  Not quite sure what yet but I've a few days to make up my mind as gloves take a few days to make.  That's being pretty full on with them too.

21 September 2020

Yvonne's cupcakes

Yvonne wrote one day last week  to show me what she'd done with this cupcake pattern.  

Isn't this a clever idea?  I wondered how she'd put them together so she sent me the picture at the bottom.  I'd never have thought of that.  It's a dear little charm bracelet now and I bet her grandkids are loving them.

Here's what she said.

"Hi Jane, I used your cupcake earring pattern to make bracelets for my grandchildren. I thought you would like to know."

By the way, there's a larger cupcake here if you ever want one.  No calories involved either.