11 September 2024

A gorgeous patchwork

Staying with Sandra she showed me a fantastic patchwork that she found and had framed.  
The pieces are so, so tiny.  

Do I feel another project coming on?!?!?


Jane McLellan said...

Good way to use up small scraps, turn them into something beautiful.

Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

That is beautiful!

Crazy Mom! said...

I got this from an antiques auction for a pittance, already framed. I think it's a doll quilt. It's entirely hand pieced and hand quilted. Each of those tiny pieces is slightly less than an inch along the long diagonal points.

God's Kid said...

Makes me think of Jane Eborall's tatted diamonds when joined together. ;)

Jane Eborall said...

Ah, yes, God’s Kid. I’d forgotten those!!!

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.