
13 December 2006

Great Tat News

The lady to whom I spoke on the Friday market two weeks ago rang me this morning to say that she can get me the Aero bobbin shuttles. YIPEEEEEE. They are straight from Redditch where they used to be made many, many moons ago so obviously they are the original ones with 'England' marked on them. My ex husband actually found two in a cupboard when he worked there many years ago and he 'set them free' to tat for me!!! About the only decent thing he ever did for me, come to think about it!!! Anyway, I will be picking them up on Friday and then after Christmas I will start listing them on ebay. I think I'll keep a few just for myself - one needs to look after the 'inner soul' at times. Oh, and my sister will get a couple too. Well, tat's all for now.

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