
14 October 2007

Nearly sorted

Although I've been quiet on the blog for a couple of days that doesn't mean I haven't been tatting!!! I'm still working on the motif and I think it's 'as good as' finished. Although it is really easy to do it's proved quite difficult to notate. The problem is that I was determined to make it easy for those doing 'front side / back side' or whatever people like to call it without it being something you have to conciously think about while tatting. This has meant about 11 motifs made just to resolve a few SLT's and RW's!!! Dedication or what!!!! Actually I've nearly thrown it out of the pram several times. Anyway, here are a few of my 'trials and tribulations'!!!!


  1. They're all so pretty! I love your color combinations!

  2. It seems like designing is the easy part and the writing of the patterns so that other can understand them is the hard part. At least that is what I am finding.
    As always your designs are terrific!

  3. To tell you the truth Janey Oh Janey...I don't know which one I love better. They are all so very pretty.
