
11 November 2007

More Christmas trees!!

Once I start on these I find it very hard to stop!! I've listed some in my Etsy shop and will also list some on ebay later when it's working again - seems to be having a lie on on this Sunday morning!!!!!! Oh, I'll also list a couple of Aero shuttles.

I think my favourite trees are still the black ones but the new red ones are fighting for top place. I found the small star shaped buttons in a tiny outlet in the town yesterday. Couldn't resist using them.

Sorry, my apologies to ebay!!! It wasn't them that was at fault but my computer!! I managed to get all the other trees listed from my laptop!!!!


  1. All of the little trees are just lovely. I'll have to check out eBay!

  2. Very pretty! I love the touch of gold at the top!

  3. They are just gorgeous! :-)

  4. Have you posted this patten anywhere? Very cute will have to check it out on ebay!!


  5. I love these trees! Just when I think I have picked out a favorite, a subtle nuance I hadn't seen in another tree color jumps out and I change my mind. Your work is an inspiration!

  6. Anonymous8:11 pm

    I was just looking through some old Workbasket booklets and found this pattern in the December 1979 issue on page 18.

    You've added beads, and only tatted the top few rows, but they are very pretty.

  7. How interesting. I'd love to see this pattern. Back in 1979 I had very, very little contact with patterns coming out of the USA. My original trees were published in a national craft magazine in roughly 1990. They have 'morphed' since then as I've learnt more techniques. Would love to see the Workbasket ones.

  8. What I like are the beads you've put at the bottom. Very clever, but then you are such clever Brit anyway!
    :-) Gina
