
20 November 2007

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible!!!

Do all the people who read this blog and live in the UK remember those words from the 'olden days' (Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible)? For others - this was the phrase that used to appear on our televisions when something went horribly wrong in the studios or at the transmitters. Sometimes the 'normal service' would be back with us before we'd had time to read the words but usually there was a break.

Anyway, this is what has happened to this blog!!! Normal service has been interrupted by an influx of orders for Christmas tree earrings!!! I didn't sell all four of the ones I listed on ebay but shortly after had orders for 13 more plus 2 pairs of snowflake earrings. This plus a day (yesterday) of sorting out many personal hiccoughs and problems AND after two night's bad sleep have stopped most 'normal' service at all. Needless to say when I do get a spare moment I've been tatting Christmas trees!!! Once these orders are filled then I shall list more on ebay and on Etsy.


  1. Not only did we used to hear that in the U.S., but we still do. Especially if it is internet service! Take a break, have a cuppa and regroup! Congratulations on selling so many earrings!

  2. Whoot on the earrings.
