
8 November 2007

Tatting outside the home!!

Yesterday evening I went to a village a few miles outside of the town I live in to give a talk to a group of women - the subject matter was tatting (well, what else!!).
I took my small suitcase full of bits and pieces including the tattysaurus, some pattern books, a few of my shuttles etc, etc.
The meeting took place in a house - it's a posh village with a lot of wealthy people living there and enormous houses. I'd made notes to follow which were my original notes for the last talk I gave - but with a bit more added. Pamela Myers asked me yesterday how I planned this sort of thing and I told her that I took these notes along but usually just 'winged it'. I find I can't stick to a natural progression as things lead me sideways. Again the hit and miss method works well.
After twenty years in a classroom full of four/five year olds I am able 'go with the feel' of the event as it was happening.
After the talk I had about four people who wanted to learn and they all caught on pretty quickly. There's also another group in the village who have craft meetings and they asked if I was prepared to do a workshop for them. Wonder if it'll happen?
Apparently they all enjoyed it but the biggest compliment came from a lady who said she thought she was eccentric but I'd proved that I was much, much more so!!!!
I gave everybody a little butterfly to take home with them - a real crowd pleaser!!!!


  1. Wonderful! I hope the interested parties keep with it!

    Do you wear your undergarments on the outside of your clothes?

    Hee hee...(that's my biggest fear for myself)

  2. You eccentric!!!!! nah it's the rest of the world thats eccentric...isn't it!!
    Lucky ladies to get one of your butterflies each, not to mention your talk and expertise.
    They are daft if they don't arrange a they realise WHO you are!!!

  3. One of my dear friends says that he loves to hang out with me. I make him feel so normal and run-of-the-mill. Only by comparison to me, I tell him.

  4. Undergarments on the outside of your clothes? I used to check before going to work to see if I had everything covered up! The workshop sounds great. IF they realize WHO you are, they will certainly follow through!

  5. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's tat Superwoman!! Hehehe
    Let me know the name of the group and I'll tell them how I tried to give you help and advice back in July when I didn't know who you were!!!! Talk about embarrassing!!!
    Linda S
