
9 September 2008

Well, somebody had to do it!

Somebody really, really had to do it so I thought it might as well be me!!!  
I had this terrible and dreadful urge to make it so in the end I gave up trying to resist 'the call'.  I know that I'm classed as being 'slightly odd'.  Eccentric might be a better word (well, more 'upmarket') but I actually prefer the description of 'stark staring bonkers'!!!  So, I did it - a pink dolphin.  There, I said it - A PINK DOLPHIN. 
I got out the thread (well, actually the pink was already out from making yesterday's seahorse and was already being used on the second one below) so no excuse not to.  I made the dolphin to list in Etsy as a sort of 'would anybody really, really want one' but I must admit that I love it and will have to make another for myself!!!  I'll list it later (along with the seahorse) and then make another this evening!!
Reports are coming in from my 'snouts'  in Palmetto and apparently the roly poly bags were successful.  Whooooppeeeeeeeeeeee.


  1. I think your dolphin looks good in pink. If I'm not mistaken, there is actually such a thing as pink dolphins. Glad to hear your Roly Poly bags were a hit @ Palmettos. I love mine.

  2. I think your pink dolphin is perfect... how about a pink elephant?

  3. Hmmm...I might just be game to tat a pink dolphin. I love dolphins and the color pink so it's a perfect marriage in thread!

  4. I love the pink dolphin and Jeff is right - there are pink dolphins! I haven't seen one completely pink, but I saw a baby one last month that was mostly pink from the bottom up. So cute! Glad your bags were a success at Palmettos.

  5. Did you know that the 'white' dolphin can be sunburned and turn pink? Actually, the white dolphins I've seen ARE slightly rosy in tint. I love you pink dolphin - I love my blue dolphin. Some may want to 'dance with wolves' but I want to 'swim with dolphins.'
    X Bev

  6. Jane,
    Wow! What lovely tatting...the colors are great! Nice job!!


  7. Pink is not necessarily one of my favorite colors but I really like your pink dolphin. Would really show off on a sea motif crazy quilt!
