
31 December 2008

Happy New Year to all in tat land!

My wish for the New Year to you is that I hope your shuttles never get lost, broken or even just put down in a 'safe' place! That you have plenty of thread, beads and time. Here's to the continuation of our addiction!!!!

I have two new patterns for you to start the new year with should you wish.

First of all there's Sally's Angel. This was the pattern that Riet taught at Palmetto tat days. I've actually added a slightly smaller version too. The reason it's called Sally's Angel is because my sister (Sally) nagged me for years to make her an angel!!!

Next there's the dangly flower which I finally got sorted and put on the site!! I didn't like this at first but finally realised that it does offer a wonderful potential to play with beads 'as you go'.


  1. Anonymous1:58 pm

    Wow, thanks for the new tatting patterns. My first thought after seeing the flowers was "Hmmm, those look like perfect "fairy dresses." (Weird, huh? Sorry. They are really lovely flowers and my niece has gotten me on a fairy kick lately.

  2. Anonymous2:02 pm

    You are the BEST Jane! Happy New Year to you too!

  3. Jane , wouldn't these cute little flowers look cute on a branch for Easter? I'll try it and I think its be a smash to my grandkids. Eileene

  4. Anonymous3:47 pm

    Thank you for your ingenious patterns Jane, you are a very talented lady. Happy New Years!

  5. Now tat's a good idea, Eileene! Why didn't I think of that?!?!?!

  6. Thank you for commenting on my blog. I had just added to you to my fiber arts blog roll and turned around and saw you'd made a new post. Happiest of New Years.

  7. Anonymous8:06 am

    Thanks so much, I just love that little angel! Happy New Year to you too. I too am looking forward to alot of tatting this year!

    I really enjoy your blog and all you do...

  8. Both these patterns are really pretty. I am looking forward to trying out more of your beady patterns.

  9. Thank you for the lovely new patterns, Jane. Happy New Year to you!

  10. OH! I love the dangly flowers!!! Thank you for the beautiful patterns, Jane! You're such a dear to share this! You are finally showing up in my google reader and dashboard! YAY!!!

  11. Oooh, do them all in shades of white and make Lilies of the Valley.
