
24 January 2009

Bragging time!

I have a sister. I've had her for less years than I've been on planet earth so that makes her my 'little' sister. She tats too. Not probably as much as me as she's still working and doesn't get a lot of time.

Anyway, just after Christmas she was up in my little corner of tat land and showed me what she was intending to do with some tiny baubles she'd bought. These two pictures arrived yesterday and I have her permission to share. I'm SO impressed. Just HOPE I can force her to write the pattern down - the little stinker!!!


  1. Two talented tatting twins!!! Okay, "sisters" technically, but you can see where I was going with the "T's"!!! Those are fabulous tatted ornaments! You must be so proud of her.

  2. Awesome,I love the big bead and tassle at the end. I hope she shares with us like her big sister. And I love that your sister is Sally. Like the old reading books in schools. My sister is Alison like the old show Peyton Place (Constance and Alison MacKenzie) Which my mother says was purely coincidental.

  3. Very pretty! Obviously creativity runs in the family. :-)

  4. She has been very busy and did a beautiful job!

  5. That's so pretty! Sometimes I wish my sisters tat (the youngest do a little of needle tatting) but then I prefer not to, because I can imagine them foraging my boxes for shuttles and threads. lol They do enough "damage" when I arrive with a full box of tatting items. :-)

    Hope your sister can write the pattern or may be you can help her into doing so. ;-)

  6. Pretty wonderful. Thanks for sharing them.

  7.'s very pretty

  8. Ah well, I am sister-less. I mean, there was once a sister (Donna Rae) before I came along; but she lived only eight hours. I often wonder how my life would have changed, if I'd had my Big sister...I'll meet her one day!
    The tatting, Jane, is lovely and you must be very pleased...and thankful that you do have the time to spend; as she will, in future. Thank you for sharing.
    My grandmother Dora Petersen's favorite sister was named Sally. Sally didn't come to America, and I know Gram missed her a lot.
    XX Bev

  9. oooh, pretty! i wish i have a sister who tats... then again, i have many 'sisters' who do and the best part about them--they share with me. thank you, 'tatting sisters'.

  10. Jane,
    What lovely color choices and designs! Kudos to your sister!!
