
18 January 2009

Lucky, lucky ME

Look what came in the post yesterday.

These are from my favourite (and only) son. Well, not really my 'proper' son but one I adopted some years ago. His name? Mark Myers!!!

With the earrings came a lovely letter from him and Kim (his wife).

He made these earrings using that beading technique that I made the butterflies and flowers with but Mark, being Mark, couldn't resist taking the idea one step further - the little STINKER!!!!!

Actually he'd already discussed this with me and I bet yer bottom dollar he already knew of the idea anyway. Hmmm, perhaps not as Mark doesn't 'do' beads - YET!!!!

Mind, why would he do beads in tatting when what he does do is so spectacular without? Mark has added another dimension by passing the single beaded picot through two or three other beaded picots to make the fuschia which is below.

Amazing and SO pretty. Thanks, SOJ. I LOVE them.


  1. Very pretty and how thoughtful!

  2. That's very nice of your adopted son to send you those earrings! How fun to get a package in the mail from across the pond. :)

  3. Yes, lucky you! Look who's being petulant now? ME!

  4. Lucky Lucky You is right. Very nice.
