
5 January 2009

Was called a windmill motif

I rarely attribute blame to people but in the case of this design I am going to.

I blame Pamela Myers. There - named and shamed!!!! If she hadn't sent me a skein of her HDT I wouldn't have made this des
ign. I'm not a great lover of variagated thread as I feel they 'hide' the beauty of a pattern. So for this very pretty thread I decided the thread should dictate the pattern.

I've used a bastardised version of one of my other celtic patterns for the centre round but then brain cell # 3 came into play. Thanks go to Pamela for getting this idea up and running.

Gina suggested it looked like a ship's wheel when I'd just got the centre motif done!!! I thought that was a wheely good idea!!! Tat's IT!!! It's going to be called a Celtic Wheel Motif. Or, in Jane language - a wheelie celtic motif!!!!

I think this could be called celtic as there are three elements but the second one is 'sort of' attached to the first using a crocodile join whilst the third i
s attached to the second which is also interlinked to the first in one or two places!!!! Sounds complicated but it isn't.

It was way back a million years ago when Rosemarie Peel came up with the celtic idea of two elements intertwined and then 'locked' into place by a third element. I will never achieve her standards and skill with celtic tatting.


  1. When you click on it and see it close up-wow! I like how you tie it all together. I think you did a very nice job on the celtic thing and the name suits it! thanks for sharing.

  2. oh, I really like that! Hmmm you keep coming up with winners, missy!!!
    Carol aka battatter

  3. Anonymous1:27 am

    I like it too ~ I've been wanting to do something Celtic. I do like Rosemarie's way of intertwining for the celtic knot. I also like that colorful piece on your 'slide show' that looks like a stained glass window.
    X Bev

  4. I've wondered what made something Celtic, (d'oh!!) Should have been much more apparent to me, I shoulda got that one on my own! lol!
    I love the colours Jane and the pattern is gorgeous. I especially like how you've framed the beautiful thread with the black, very niiiiice!

  5. Ooooh! named AND cool is that! dunno actually!! if it's cool at all!!

    But the pattern is lovely and Celtic too, Rainbow and Celtic in one design, that is cool for me!

    AND you had that much thread left at the end of it!! I obviously sent you way too much!

    Only just saw this as for some reason something happened to your blog on Oct 7th 2008 and Google Reader hasn't updated it ever since!!

  6. Looks intriguing! You make so many amazing contributions to tatland! :)

  7. Another winner, Jane! Love the HDT touch!
