
2 January 2009

Well I never - 60!!

Before I forget!! I've added more bags to my Etsy shop!!!

I'm SUCH a happy tatter!!! I know it might sound a tad pathetic but I'm very happy to see that just before the end of 2008 60 people follow this blog by adding themselves as 'followers'!!! How cool is that?

I can't think it's my beauty (OK, who's that I can hear laughing!!!), my magnetic personality or my wit or talent. It must be because I'm good at talking to myself!!!

This blog is the best thing I've done (so far!!) since going online shortly after the birth of the Internet. It keeps me focused on the one hobby that keeps me sane!!! Tatting.

It might have been the 'second best' lace to me when I was 13 (I really, really, really wanted to learn bobbin lace) but it's given me a focus to my life.
Here are some of the things it's done for me.

Given me a cheap hobby when I only had a few shillings pocket money a week.

Stopped me from ever taking up smoking as my hands were always too busy holding a shuttle to hold a cigarette!!!

Given me a talking point throughout my schooling and whilst at Teacher Training College (also encouraged me to take a main course in Arts and Crafts).

When I was first married and very badly off it again gave me a cheap hobby (and the continuing incentive NOT to take up smoking when all around me were!!).

In my later years and, thanks to the Internet, tatting has given me the biggest boost. I am now able to share my ideas freely and without hassle. Well, only a little hassle!!!! Why does life get in the way so often?

I quickly found that I had to learn how to build a web site (OK, it's basic but it works!!) and then the total and unmitigated joy of meeting tatters via email and then groups.
Of course, the added bonus (icing on top) is then getting to meet many wonderful people 'in the flesh' at tatting meetings.

Thank you, blogger for the opportunity to share a bit of me and what I do.


  1. Nicely said, Jane. Happy 2009 to you!

  2. For the resons you listed; and more ~ many of us are 'forever grateful' for your designs, imput, sharing, and your blog/pattern page and ETSy postings. The fact that tatting can keep one from smoking is worth the effort taken to learn the art. LOL All the really interesting people I know have 'lived' their live; not observed life as it passed. I am pleased to be your tatting go girl!
    X Bev

  3. Congratulations on having so many followers! As one of those followers I have to say that I am so glad that you are FINALLY showing up in my google reader and on my dashboard! What was up with that!?! For months I never had one of your posts show up in either place! It is nice to have you "back"! LOL! :)

  4. 60! Wow! I feel like I'm in good company! Sounds like tatting has kept you on the straight and narrow... except for being such a party gal! ; )
