
6 February 2009

Just found these!

Well yesterday I was mainly snowed in which gave me a long time to spend sorting out a pattern that I've been working on for ages. Well I've done other things in between but I've finally completed it. Just a little more work to do on it but it's virtually 'there'.

I have one more pattern to check over tomorrow and then I will allow myself to start something new. Not sure what yet but I've lots of ideas mulling around in the head and brain cell #3 is raring to go, go, go!!!!

While tidying up my computer desk yesterday I found these two motifs!!! I

did them a couple of weeks ago - before the Spring cleaning!! They are both from the
new GR8 book. I really enjoyed working both of them.


  1. Those 2 motifs are so pretty! That is a book that I really want to get.

  2. These are beautiful Jane. I especially love the purple and green!

  3. They are lovely! Thanks for showing them off! They are "inspiring" me to buy that book if that's what you want to call it, LOL! :)

  4. oh i love the 2 motifs, esp the 2nd one! unfortunately i can't see the book from the link (doesn't work)...
