
13 February 2009

New web page and UPDATE

I stuck my nose into a discussion on etatters on Wednesday and realised that what I was trying to explain was a bit complicated without pictures!! The discussion was about pearl tatting. Pearl tatting is, as you know, a very old technique and one which I dabbled with 'in my youth'!! A LONG time ago!!!

I'm a lazy old moo as you all know and if there's a simple way round doing something I'll work my butt off to find it!! Thus few years ago I realised that there must be a simpler way to do pearl tatting without all the hassle of picking up and putting down of shuttles!!!

I'm darn sure others have realised this long before me but I've searched the internet and not found any shuttle tatting instructions for the lazy way!!! So yesterday I sat down and
made this page. I just hope it makes sense but if it doesn't then do let me know!!

UPDATE to this posting. My dear friend Riet pointed out a much better way to do pearl tatting. I think this was the way I was originally trying to remember BUT I must thank Riet VERY much for pointing this out. I've now amended the page!!!


  1. I love it! You could call it the "The Lazy Pearl" LOL! Maybe you just did. LOL! It's fabulous! :)

  2. OH Excellent, Thank you!

  3. Wow! I actually get it. I haven't tried it yet, but I get it. Thanks!

  4. Anonymous7:52 pm

    Thank you so much Jane. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me with this. I am so happy to see this in your blog! *smile*
