
25 February 2009

Still tatting!

It's been a looong week of tatting for Nicole but today I'm going to take time out to return to the MOP's. My hands are beginning to ache by the end of the evening of constant tatting.

I realised why. When I'm working on new designs I keep stopping to type in the text as I go along but when I'm doing something like Nicole's order I just tat and tat til I drop!!!!

I've done 72 and a half motifs now in strips of 10 and I hope to get another 4 strips done at least. The deadline has now been changed from 2nd to 9th March so that gives a bit more of a breathing space.

Nicole is going to send me photos of the finished garment with a tatted collar too. Forgot to add - she's a tatter and a young 'un too which is very, very pleasing!!!


  1. And in black? Your eyes must be sinking in too! yes, definitely give your tatting muscles a rest!

  2. Maybe your hands are due for a nice, soothing warm wax treatment at a salon! It's soothing to the joints and moisturizing to the skin! I'm totally serious! I sound like a commercial, LOL! I hope you do find a way to treat your hands, they deserve it!

    The tatted strips are lovely. :)

  3. Wow! No wonder your hands are feeling the effect. But they look beautiful. I agree with TattingChic, your hands deserve some TLC!

  4. There are beautiful, but I don't know how you do it. You are a better woman than me. My hands and eyes would be totally on strike. Tatting Chic is right about the hot wax treatment for your hands. I love it so much I bought one for home years ago. It helps arthritis so much. As a matter of fact.......

  5. I just re-read my previous post. Jane, don't take offence, I'm sure your hands are beautiful, but I was talking about the tatting!

  6. Me? Take offense? No way!!! I didn't even read it as criticism - just a darn good suggestion! Actually my hands have never been pretty by any stretch of the imagination. They've got raised veins on them and are quite 'knobbly'. They've always been like that!!!!

  7. While you're doing the strips you should measure how many km/hr you're hands are going!

  8. These are just lovely! I love tatting in black, but it does strain the eyes! I made a beaded necklace and bracelet in black years ago that I'd love to duplicate, but...
