
20 January 2010

Day 7 - TIAS

Here we go - another day and another part of the TIAS!!!!

I'm sure that somebody will guess today - unless, of course, they have already guessed right.

OK I will tell you now that I've had two correct guesses but I'm not going to say who or what they said.  I will tell all when we've finished!!!!


  1. I am those two people sneak into your computer if they guessed it right already. Smart Ladies!!

  2. Well, I decided it was a flamingo…no matter what 'secret' you have.
    So, I'm tatting another one in pinks and salmon; and another with BLUE eye. I FOUND MY peach and retatted @1 flamingo
    I've had time to get 3 of them up to day 6….woo hoo

    Every time I tat it, it gets easier. You were right, we tend to make it harder than it really is….

    XX P
