
24 July 2010

New (ish) earrings!

I've got a whole new outfit.  A rare, very rare happening for me.  I HATE shopping for clothes - always have done.

I used to make all my own stuff but haven't for many years now so I find it extremely difficult to choose from rails of 'ready mades'!!!! 

BUT I love making accessories so I made these earwigs using this pattern (with adaptations, of course) to make these in the same colours as the outfit.  I'll add the findings later today but I couldn't wait to share.

I bought the trousers from the Isle of Wight, the tshirty top from Debenhams and the over jacket from the Friday street market and it looks fine as a whole 'set'.

I MAY make a matching pendant tomorrow - IF I have the time and the inclination!!!


  1. Ha! just got your comment on my blog. That's got to be the quickest reply ever, so I'm tagging you back!

    Nice colors on the earrings. Will we get to see the whole outfit?

  2. I can relate to what you are saying, Jane, I greatly dislike clothes shopping as well.

    However if your shopping resulted in you creating these beauties you should shop more often. They are quite lovely. I wonder if you'll create that pendant then maybe we can see a picture of you all dressed up in your new outfit and jewelry.

  3. hmmmm...this would go with an outfit I have!

  4. Very nice Jane! I like how the beads are added to the picot over the button. Clever idea!! This is a great color too!!

  5. Those are very nice! :)

  6. I really dislike shopping, too. My Mom (bless her heart and looking back I was so fortunate to have such parents) took me every August to buy school clothes; she'd sit on a chair and I'd 'model' outfit after outfit and she'd lay out a diaper load of money...Those were the days when a good quality cashmere sweater was (only) $50. But she'd lay out about 800 dollars for complete outfits and the winter coat. I was outfitted from top to shoes with 1" heel and the NEEDED white Bucks, and lingerie too. We did this ALL IN ONE DAY. I feel like an ungrateful wretch now, and I never said a word then. I don't think I even said "Thank you" (until much later). that's why I love on-line shopping!

    I like the ear wigs! Not my colors...but I like the style. xxxx P

  7. Very nice indeed, and I just adore the colour combo.
