
7 August 2010

More on the kiwi

Another evening (Thursday) on this little critter and progress was made.  See the top picture.

I often get to a stage when things go backwards on this type of pattern - I try to be tooooo clever and things go very wrong.  This time I think I'm still 'on track'.

I elongated the back slightly and (thanks to a video link left on Monday's comments) realised that they do have a small 'tail' so have added one.  

The critter is worked all in one 'hit' but there is a small idea which will have to be explained.  Not sure you'd call it a technique as such but - well, we'll see.

On Thursday a helpful comment was left saying that the neck should be a little shorter.  So yesterday evening (Friday) I re-jigged him again.  I've put the new shorter necked kiwi underneath.  Does this look better?


  1. What a cute little fellow! Wouldn't he look great on a baby shirt?

  2. honesty I think his neck might be a little too long maybe remove one repeat?

    Brooklynne in NZ

  3. Now that's a good comment, brooklynne and specially from somebody who really knows what a kiwi looks like!!! I'll try a shorter necked version over the weekend. THANKS very much.

  4. I'm with Brooklynne, still needs to be looking down as this is how they walked when i saw them in N.Z cant't wait to have a go at him/her and send to friend in N.Z

  5. Yes!~ couldn't put my finger on why he wasn't looking quite right - now he does, he is instantly recognisable!
