
16 August 2010


No tatting or sewing to show today as I've been busy, busy, busy doing other 'stuff'.

So what HAVE I been up to?  Well, a few months ago, I managed to mess up my home page and it became toooo wide for a lot of monitors.  My mate Gina told me about it and she helped me try to fix it but it didn't 'happen'.  For one thing I use the 'hit and miss' method for this sort of thing (just like designing tatting, really!) and another was other stuff happening in my life.

So, having got Jane's necklace finished and put up - here's the link - I made brain cell number 3 come out to play and CONCENTRATE on what he was doing!!!!  

Oh, I've also got two other pages sorted too.  The kiwi which is here and a 'how to' page here which sort of 'goes with it'.

So, tomorrow I'll hopefully have time to take photos of the roly poly bags I'll shortly be listing in Etsy!!!!


  1. Morning Jane,
    This ia a wonderfull change The site is so good to read now. It was not such a nice way to do, when I was searching for patterns, now it is great thank you for all the work and also for the new patterns

  2. Sorry Jane you are still too wide for my monitor. Maybe a diet is called for!!!!!

  3. Hi Jenny - thanks for the feedback. Have you cleared your cache and refreshed your page? If you google my name and start 'afresh' then that may help!!!!
