
11 August 2010

Roly Poly Tat Bags - part 2

Here are the other 3 bags I did as a thank you to Carolyn.

She said she's going to have a job to know which ones to keep and which to give away and I'm having a hard time parting with ANY of them.  I LOVE the middle floral one but the paisley calls me too.  

So, to take my mind off them I'm going to sew more!!!  I can (if pushed!!) get two 'sets' done in a day but it's an 'eyes down, fingers busy' situation for the WHOLE day until 'tat time'!!!!  

Not today, though.  Too many distractions going on which have to be sorted!!!!

I've got another set of chocolate fabric cut out for an order and the most amazingly sweet (not in sweet/candy sweet but in very appealing) set with little ...... all over.  NO, I'm not telling -  you'll have to wait a few days to see that set.  It'll go into my Etsy shop eventually unless  I get 'persuaded' otherwise!!!!


  1. "....not looking, not looking, not looking...." - but I recognise that floral fabric- years ago I bought one of Deb Arnold's drawstring bags in that material - quite exciting to see it made into a Roly Poly bag!
    Chickenless still, but we have had two public holidays here this week, so no mail.

  2. I like the floral but that paisley is to die for!

  3. That paisley is gorgeous!

  4. After the cows/sheep/chickens and chocolate its the paisley that is my favourite. What a pretty blue

  5. The floral fabric is lovely. The others are nice too though.
