
13 August 2010

Thinking about Christmas!

Daft as it may seem I'm already thinking about Christmas!!!!  I don't 'do' much for Christmas as I'm not 'into' religion but I do love to give things so it's a good excuse to make and give stuff.

Currently I'm quietly working on a giveaway which goes to my friends with a letter but also between times thinking of stocking up my Etsy shop.

So, a few days ago I sat down and listed a robin.  Little stinker didn't stay long and is now winging his way across the pond to his new owner.   Back to making another one two evenings ago.  Here he is in his winter plumage.  

He's in the shop now and shortly to be joined by two more pairs of earrings!!!


  1. I just love your Robin he reminds me of Christmas!

  2. Hes great and really looks like a robin, I think hes great Margaret

  3. He's awesome! And he is our "first sign of spring" around here in Michigan(USA).

  4. He's lovely, Jane! We've had a pair nesting on a little ledge of our garage. The babies are almost ready to leave their nest.
