
26 August 2010

Time to play, play, play

I had my copy of Martha's More Critters on the Block last week and asked two of the grandkids what they wanted.  

I suggested the butterfly for Abbi as I REALLY wanted to make that BUT she wanted an elephant.  Not a grey elephant but a pink one.  It had to be pink.

Nathan wanted a lion so I returned to Martha's New Critters on the Block book to make that.

So, we  have the sweetest hephalump from Martha's new book and the lion from her first book.  Haven't decided yet whether to cut and fringe the lion's mane or not.  All these decisions - too, too much to bear!!!!


  1. Hello, I have casually got on your blog and already your sincere fan! Has looked also at your shop in delight:) Therefore at me to you Hello, I have casually got on your blog and already your sincere fan! Has looked also at your shop in delight:) Therefore at me to you вопрос: you to make to me such Lion and a purse of a fabric with lambs?! Thanks, I look forward the answer to the почту
    Yours faithfully, Lena... Sometimes TereZa
    Russia Moscowможете you to make to me such Lion and a purse of a fabric with lambs?! Thanks, I look forward the answer to the почту
    Yours faithfully, Lena... Sometimes TereZa
    Russia Moscow

  2. Totally adore the Lion and the Elephant is so cute!

  3. Hello, Lena. Thank you for your message. Please can you write to me on and we can talk about what you want.

  4. I love the elephant and lion they are brillant Margaret

  5. I just got Martha's book the other day. Lots of great stuff in there!

  6. What wonderful animals! And I agree with your granddaughter-the pink elephant is it! ;)

  7. Simply gorgeous
    Joy in OZ

  8. When I was nine I just loved the song "Elephants on Parade" from the Disney movie, Dumbo. And the crows singing "Can you see an elephant fly?" My Dad even bought me the album on 78s (yes 78's( will anyone know what those were? LOL One of my great flood losses was that album..the records all warped and were gritty with mud…irretrievable. Anyway Your Tatting of Martha's Hefalump reminded me of that song…LOL xxxxx P
