7 March 2011

All change!!!

Now I've been watching my Etsy shop!!!  Well, only to try and fathom what does and doesn't sell and I've not reached any astounding conclusions either!!!!  

I've watched these three bookmarks being totally ignored now for ages and I don't blame people.  I don't much like them myself!!!!  So I've replaced them with the following.  Let's see if I can get the 'before' pictures alongside the 'after' ones in this post!!!
 Next is the worm.  I've replaced that with a 'hatted' worm!!!!


Finally I replaced the butterfly with - another zinging one!!!

Also there are a few more 'odds and ends' there too.


Margarets designer cards said...

Its hard to understand the general public, what you think might sell does not, and what you think wont does, its no good working out the minds of the public. By changing them they will think they have sold and you have done some more, you can always bring the old ones out again in 6 or 9 months they might sell then.
The new ones are looking lovely

Charlette said...

Ils sont super jolis les nouveaux et j'aime aussi les anciens ! ! On ne comprend pas toujours les gouts et les couleurs! !
Magnifique travail de votre part. . .

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.