
14 November 2011

Listed on Ebay

I have three tatting books listed on Ebay this week - in case you haven't found them!!!  My ebay ID is simple - just janeeborall!!!  Just go to the 'buy' section and 'advanced' and put in seller ID and you should find them.

I never believe in hiding behind another name - those who are chasing me would always find me cause I can't keep my mouth shut!!!!

Is there anybody 'out there' who's got ten minutes to spare to try something out for me?  Won't take long but I'd appreciate a few minutes.  It's an advanced technique which I'm trying to do for the web site but in simplifying it I may have made it more complicated!!!  That would be typical of me!!!


  1. Jane,
    I have some minutes for you Just tell me what to do
    Riet the B-engel

  2. I would love to be your tester!

  3. I'm here with shuttles wound if you are still looking for tatters.

  4. Hi Jane

    If you like I can help you out!! I know I`m just a lowly old needle tatter but I am just sitting here with my foot 10 inches up in the air! Let me know!


  5. Hi Jane,

    I should think I can tackle advanced technique if you still need any more help.

  6. Hi Jane

    I'll give an advanced technique a go, if you need another volunteer.


  7. Oh, Adrian, I've got several people trying it but you'd be more than welcome to 'have a go' too. Can you email me, please?

  8. Jane
    If you'd like the feedback of an A.D.D. directionally challanged tatter,I'm game.
    I can do advanced techniques.
