
14 July 2012


Just a reminder that there will be a dozen shuttles in my Etsy shop later today.  I'll let them 'go live' at 8pm BST.  Happy hunting!!!

Remember these earrings (below) that Valerie sent me?  Well she tells me that they're from  Lijiang, Yunnan in China. They are the traditional embroidery of the Lisu tribe. 

Today's the day when they'll get their first outing and tomorrow will be their second.  Can't WAIT.


  1. You are going to get noticed wearing them! Actually I did loose them for a while, because when I opened the box on my return home they fell out. I retrieved them from a drawer which must have been slightly open at the time. So watch them they jump!

  2. Look forward to hearing the reaction to your amazing earrings! Interesting to get some background about them.

  3. Shhhhhh!!!! Don`t be reminding everyone out there about the will lessen my chances in buy one!!!!

  4. Jamie2:06 am

    Have they all sold? or am I too early? I;m in the USA Central Time zone. I'll be at Palmatto Tatters Tat day this September and I'm hoping to find one there if I miss this!!! (&, probably a poke proof bag & ......) Yikes!

  5. Jane, pictures of you wearing the earrings pls? I bet they'll make you the talk of town. Have fun!

  6. Oh, Jamie, they mostly went in the first half hour. Hope you get to the vending room in time to get one at Palmetto. It'll be good to meet you there. I'm taking some bags too!!!!
    Val, when it stops raining long enough to take a photo outside then I'll see if I can find a tough camera so Nick can take a picture. Tough because I don't want to break it!!! They were commented on yesterday several times. Great party.
