
18 August 2012

A visit is on the agenda

Tomorrow I have two grandkids coming to stay for a few days.  SUCH excitement.

Abbi is nearly five and loves to have my odds and ends of tatting so there's quite a collection on the end of my table where she 'finds' things!!!  Nathan aged nine has grown out of this so I'll find other things for him to 'find'.  Anyway I've added this ballerina to the collection - 'just because'.  If anybody wants the pattern then it's on my site somewhere.  Oh, hang on - here it is!!
Meantime I must get on with the day - we had to have a new central heating boiler and yesterday it was 'the' day it was installed.  Fabulous guys who didn't make any mess and were very pleasant.  Gallons of coffee were drunk and they worked tirelessly all day without a break. Now I have to sort the bedroom out where the boiler 'lives' and make some space for the kids!!!


  1. How cute! Livi will love to have one of these! Thank you for the pattern :o)
    Have fun with the grandkids today!

  2. Lovely ballerina, great colours.

  3. Enjoy the visit. Ballerina is splendid.

  4. I tatted that ballerina for Hannah, several years ago - she still has it on her shelf in it's little frame. You won't have time for tatting while your grandchildren are with you! - enjoy them while they're with you.
    Ginny has been spending a lot of time with mine!

  5. Oh yes, I remember this one. I tatted these for my Katrina!! They are framed and hanging in her room. This is an adorable pattern!!

  6. Oh, have fun with the grands! Thank you for the ballerina, she is beautiful!

  7. That ballerina is just perfect for your Abbi to find! I should tat one for my 6 year old Abby - The Boss - she would LOVE it.
    Fox : )

  8. Grandkids are the best, but I am a bit tired once they head home! I hope you have a wonderful visit with them. Love the ballerina!

  9. Love the ballerina - you got it just right!

    Enjoy the grands. They are lucky to have a grandmother who welcomes them.

    Two weeks!

  10. Oh, goodie -- kids to play with! Little ones are so much fun -- because you get to give them back, as well. :) Enjoy! As for the ballerina, I had forgotten about her as well. I like that pattern and it would look really cute on a baby shirt!

  11. What a lovely ballerina!!! :)

  12. One of SO many clever and amazing patterns from brain cell #3! Always nice to see them individually singled out.
