
29 September 2012

Gina's work at Tat Days

One of the most poignant moments of the Palmetto Tat Days was meeting Gina's daughter and sister.  Gina and I had talked about us meeting up at this event when we met last July.  I'd told her I was going to apply to become a teacher.  As you know last winter was dreadful living through her illness and to lose her was such a shock after her being told she was in remission.

Laurie and Linda very kindly came to Tat Days and brought a wonderful selection of her work.  The pictures below show some of the display although the items had to be seen to be appreciated fully.

The elephant in the third picture is amazing and no picture could ever do it justice.  It's Gina's version of Pam Palmer's elephant and the thought and skill that she brought to this piece raises it to a new height.

A huge thank you must go to them and the Palmetto tatters for putting on this wonderful display.

A selection of Gina's threads was brought by Linda and Laurie (both talented crafters too) and I'll tell you more about those next week.


  1. What a lovely display for a very special lady, I never meet her but her work and blog inspired me. That elephant is fantastic, I would have loved to see it, but thank you for taking a photo of her gorgeous work. In the third picture that fan looks totally awesome. She is one tatter who is very sadly missed.

  2. A prolific body of work, isn't it? - a wonderful heritage. Brings meaning to the phrase "threads that bind...."

  3. When I was watching the livestream video from Tat Days, I was overwhelmed with emotion when they showed Gina's display. At that time I didn't realize her sister and daughter had delivered these beautiful items themselves. Tat Days must have been an emotional but comforting time for them, to be among the tatting community, and especially to see you in person. Thank you so much for posting this.

  4. Thank you for posting this and the geat pictures.

  5. I too was moved when I read there was a tribute to Gina at TatDays and her sister was there - Thank you so much for the detailed account and wonderful pictures.

  6. Munkáiban örökké velünk marad . . . .

  7. Dear Jane:
    I was very happy to know that you did such a beautiful tribute to our dear friend Gina.
    I am also happy that her daughter could be present in Palmetto.
    Many, thank you very much for sharing with us the photos of the meeting.
    A big hug and see you soon my dear Jane.

  8. It was good to be able to talk to Linda and Laurie at Tat Days and I hope they got as much pleasure as we did from the time they were with us. We all felt so close to Gina with all they had bought with them of hers.

  9. I have enjoyed your posts about Tat Days and the display of Gina's work.

  10. thank you for sharing your photos with us, I've loved seeing all those smiling faces and lovely tatting pieces (and the hummingbird too).
