
25 September 2012

Saturday at Tat Days

Before I start - I had time to re-open the Etsy shop yesterday with some new things and some new (lower) prices.  If you want to take a look then it's here.

Lessons went fine again, I think.  The top two pictures are of Martha Ess who was taking a picture of me whilst I was taking one of her and the other guy who I was privileged to meet is Randy Houtz of the Shuttle Brothers.  What a lovely man - I wanted to make him my 'toy boy' but I'm not sure his wife would approve!!!!

During a break in lessons I wandered down to the lake which I told you about.  So pretty and SO peaceful too.  The final lesson (the Squared Away pendant) went far too quickly too.  Was I really there?

In the evening we had an ice cream party.  For some reason the Palmetto Tatters seem to think I like ice cream!!!  Wonder why?  Oh, that was my second bowl of the yummy ice cream!!!  Can you see the M & M's?  I LOVE that candy.


  1. The lake does look peaceful - good that you made the time to enjoy it, amidst all the mayhem.
    Do you have Cold Rock icecream in your part of the world? It's a bit like your bowl of chocolate, with all sorts of sweets and chocolates etc smashed into it!
    I only eat plain vanilla, but it has to be good quality vanilla.

  2. Where ever you go you will get ice cream, now we know you like ice cream.
    Thank you for sharing your great photos.

  3. Not sure if we have Cold Rock ice cream here, Maureen. I'll check into it, though!!! I don't miss many opportunities for ice cream!!!!

  4. The songs - you forgot the songs!!!

  5. Saw your name for a couple of the new colors at Handy Hands...congratulations, AGAIN!
