
30 October 2012

SUCH excitement

This is NOT tatting related but is for some of my tatting friends.  Among those who might enjoy my excitement are Joanie, Pam, Riet and a few of the others in South Carolina!!!

Now you folks in America have dollar stores which sells things for - guess what - a DOLLAR!!!  In England we have the 'odd' place which is equivalent and in my town we have Poundland.  Now a pound is worth 62 cents at the moment so anything we buy is almost twice as expensive than buying in America.  

I'll confess here.  When I walk in the afternoons I usually go round in a certain direction so that I end up walking up through the town towards home.  I always pop into our Poundland - just in case they've got something new that I can't live without.  

Well, yesterday they did and here they are!!!  The latest craze while Sally and I were in America was the range of small solar powered novelty 'items' (for want of a better word).  I came home so excited with these two but have hidden them from Nick as they'll now form part of his birthday present.  He'll be thrilled as he asked me why I didn't come home with more once he'd seen the dancing daisies that Pam had given me.  Reasons why I didn't?  All the dollar stores we visited had sold out and I'd got no room in my suitcase!!!  The daisies had to travel in my carry on bag!!!


  1. Awwwsummmmm!!!!
    I knew that this little ones are comming in the dollar stores in lexington, but to late for me just after I went home.
    But I have a ducky save arived in my home
    Riet the B-engel

  2. But will there be enough sun in your winter to make them dance?? :)

  3. Riet - I'm SO excited about finding them in England and I hope they arrive in The Netherlands soon too.
    Yes, Maureen, they should dance all winter as long as there's a little bit of sun each day. The daisies are dancing happily on the kitchen windowsill!!!

  4. Dance, Pansy, dance!

  5. Those are adorable!!! :)

  6. Apparently these should be at our dollar stores! I've never noticed them! So cute! Thanks for this post! I'm off to the store!

  7. FYI - I think you have the conversion wrong. A dollar is worth about 62p. A pound is worth about one dollar 60 cents.

    The dollar stores here are great. I love finding reading glasses there!

  8. Ahhh, maths is my worst enemy, Crazy Mom!!!!!! I checked Poundland again today but no more new ones in yet!!!

  9. Go Jane Go! I only have one challenge for you. I try to place a piece of tatting on each one but you have to be careful because they can loose their balance and not take. So glad you found the penquin! Now I won't have to mail you one. That is supposed to be the next one we get in stock. Guess you are ahead of us on the pecking order. Have fun!!!
