
14 November 2012

Back on pattern page!!!

I've thought about this and have decided that it's OK to put this Christmas tree pattern back on my site.

Why?  Well for those of you who follow my ramblings you'll remember that I added it to the blog back in January.  Then I decided to apply for a teaching post at Palmetto Tat Days so this was a good pattern to teach and I took it down again!!! 

Normally I won't put Tat Days patterns up on my site until roughly February so that they've got a chance to sell as many of the CD's as they can.  BUT mine are only a small and therefore insignificant part of what is on the CD so this time brain cell 3 nudged me and said I could re-load it on there.  

This is the pattern I'm talking about.  Here's a picture!!!!


  1. Lovely Christmas tree, I like the way you have the chain running around the beads in the centre.

  2. Thanks to Sue Anna, I have the CD! I was just looking at the tree the other day. I had to set it aside, though... too many snowflakes left to tat for Christmas!

  3. BTW the last sentence is better as "on the tree" - the "on" is missing.
    Thanks for sharing,

  4. Nice tree. I think I will tat it with multi-colored beads around like the tree we put up. It will be a nice addition this year.

  5. Ca-yute :) I love the tree with beads. Even I might be able to tackle that one!

  6. Very nice Jane, I remember this when you posted it before. I liked it then too.
    Will have to keep this in mind. Thanks

  7. It is wonderful!


  8. Beautiful Christmas Tree.

  9. I remember seeing this back in January and was blown away. You really work overtime thinking of new ideas! Ribbon candy equals a tatted tree! Of course! I have to admit the pattern intimidates me, but I'm printing it out for future reference. The assembly is amazing!

  10. Oooooh! Pretty. I am just trying to do your brooch christmas tree again for prezzies and trying to remember how to do them. I might have to deviate and have a go at this instead.
    Thanks for all your brilliant ideas and your generosity in sharing your patterns although my one brain cell sometimes struggles to keep up :-)
