
17 November 2012

Large buttons 1

I suddenly found some buttons I'd been given ages ago by Crazy Mom in this wonderful gift.

Well I knew they were there but like most things they had to wait for that moment when I knew what they were going to be used for!!!  Suddenly I had a 'yen' to play with buttons again.  These are large two hole buttons and as I hadn't got a pattern for that size I had to 'invent' one!!  

This is the result of a few days of playing around.  It's only rings and chains with a 'few' (ha, ha, cough, cough, splutter, splutter) beads added!!  Do I feel Christmas coming on too?!?!?!  There are more of these to come plus a variation next week.

Obviously these can be made in other colours but for me this will be the colour that I'll wear for now.  Here's the pattern!!


  1. Now that's a button to love! I really like the dimension to it. I really need to get one of those brain cell #3 doohickies.

  2. Thanks for the patter! A great idea for Christmas.

  3. I love this pattern and have made a couple of these brooches in the past week (given the pattern to test!!!) it works really well

  4. Another for my list of things to tat. First the snowflake, then another ribbon Christmas tree, and now the button one. Thank you Jane.

  5. Beautifully sculptural! Now added to the top of my "must try" list. Thank you for your incredible generosity with all of your pattern writing/sharing.

  6. I like this pattern and I think they would make good brooches.

  7. That is fun!
    Fox : )

  8. Absolutely Christmas-y!!! :) That is wonderful!! :)

  9. that is very pretty. Thanks Jane and brain cell #3

  10. I really must stop reading blogs until I get my finals out of the way. This is gorgeous!! I think I will try some! :o)

  11. Hurrah! This is wonderful. I have lots of buttons and beads. Now, where did I put my spare time?

  12. Brilliant! So glad you found a good use for the buttons - and what a great broach you've come up with!

  13. LOVE this! What a great use of a two-hole button, complete with a 3-D effect! The color possibilities are endless, and these colors are wonderful for the holidays! Your blog is like looking into a treasure chest, with new surprises all the time! Amazing and fun! Now I have to look in my long-neglected button box!

  14. awesome button brooch! it's christmas-y for sure.

  15. I love the colours you chose and the pattern is absolutely lovely.
