
30 November 2012

Now a Fandango Snowflake on a doodad!!!

Just for a change I thought I'd try the Fandango Button Snowflake on a doodad!!!!  It works a treat and (of course) it's much faster to make as you don't have the beads to add over the button.  Well you could, of course using inner holes to join to but then you'd lose the prettiness of the doodad and the stitch count may have to be altered too.

The doodad has to be chosen quite carefully as it needs to be roughly half an inch in diameter and it also needs 12 'joining places'.  

I've got plenty of these in my stash and will be making more over the next few days - unless another idea that's been brewing in brain cell 3's part of my brain makes a takeover bid.

The new idea has to do with doodads too but not like you've seen them used before!!  Well, of course, that's if it works!!!  The best made plans of mice and men don't always work out!!!  As I use a good brain cell it does give me a slight advantage although number 3 has been somewhat overworked lately!!!

Oooops, just realised that the saying (best laid plans etc) is sexist - or should that be 'manist'?  Still it's not MY saying, is it?  Sorry, Mark and any other male tatters who waste their time reading my ramblings!


  1. Doodads and tatting are made for each other! This worked out beautifully!

  2. love it done on a doodad. less cluttered and best of all, not so many beads! the beads must be the scariest bit for me. LOL i think i can tat this.

  3. Ah, Jane, I forgot to say how versatile this Fandango pattern is! Fantastic, fabulous Fandango!

  4. I love the doodad in the center! Will this be a brooch or a pendant? If you make it a brooch, how do you attach the pin back? Inquiring minds want to know! ;-)

  5. Hmmm, Diane, at the moment it's 'just a snowflake'!!! No idea how you'd attach a brooch finding to it as it would spoil it, I think. Great idea for it to be a pendant though. I'd probably make it a tad bigger for that!!! One day I'll get back to it - now off on another doodad idea which I'm REALLY excited about!

  6. Okay! That's it! You've convinced me! (Haha!). This is wonderful! I've got to try iit now!

  7. You have done it again. That is great.

  8. That looks wonderful!! :)

  9. Wow, fandango is the design that just keeps on giving!

  10. I had already planned to make this with a doodad in the center, but only a small 6 petal type I am using for snowflakes. I may have to adjust my thinking. we will see.
    thanks Jane

  11. How nice, I love the colors they are perfect together!

  12. Anonymous11:25 am

    I love all the snowflakes, the colours are lovely no wonder you like making them so much!
