
14 December 2012

Blue box

OK, so here's another box!!!  This is done in Lizbeth and this one is called 'Summer Fun'.  Sally and I saw this colourway when we were in the USA in September and both fell in love with it.  I've used that on the rings and a plain Lizbeth on the chains.  Can you tell that I'm enjoying my wonderful stash of threads?  This is an easy tat but you have to keep an eye on where the beads are on the tops of the buttons - after all you don't want them on the inside of the box, do you?

Ah, I bet you want the pattern, now!!!  Well, here it is in all it's 'buttonry'!!!!


  1. Lovely box, I also love this thread and have made several a bookmarks in that colour.

  2. This one is pretty enough to hang on the Christmas tree - just like a coloured sugar lump. I haven't got that colour.......

  3. Love it! I may have to go on a Button Box Binge when I finish tatting snowflakes.

  4. Wow!!!
    As always I would say I love it, very pretty box.

  5. Amazing little box! So very cute to hang on a tree, set on a shelf, or even to wear as a "statement" pendant, possibly. An attention-getting item, for sure!

  6. I suspect that not only did #3 brain cell check in, but #4 and maybe even #5! You are such fun! I am glad that you blog. It is always refreshing to see what unique idea that you have come up with. I will bet that your former students are some of the more creative on the planet!

  7. Sweet colors!!! :)
