
29 December 2012

Doily round 2

Here's round 2 of the mystery doily.  I wanted a complete contrast for this row so used Lizbeth thread number 691.  I think it makes the blue stand up quite well.  

It takes me a lot of agonising over which colours to use as I'm pretty sure I know what I want on the final round so all the others should lead up to that one.  Still it's quite a novelty working on a doily.  It'll never be used - just chucked in the usual box.

I really must find some time soon to make some smallies - little things I can give to people 'as and when' I need/want to.


  1. Looking good so far, how many rounds are you planning to do.

  2. Until it's finished, Margaret!!!! No clues there!!!!

  3. I'm trying to decide what colour the last round will be?-maybe green? or perhaps burgundy.

  4. I like the looks of the pattern in this one, the different colors make it look so different from a simple all white.

  5. Those colors look really striking. I bet the photo in the original pattern didn't look like that!

  6. It looks like a sunflower in the middle of the doily
