
26 January 2013

Another doily adventure.

Now do you remember the doily I did recently from the Penelope book - here?  Well I enjoyed re-visiting my childhood so decided to then do another of my favourite doilies - remember I'm NOT a doily person!!!!  

This is one I really took to many years ago as soon as I saw it.  I originally made it in a size 20 thread and a sort of 'dirty ecru' too.  It's called 'Lucky Clover and is on page 80/81 in the book called 'Tatting Patterns and Designs' by Gun Blomqvist and Elwy Persson (English version).  I bought the hardback edition of this book back in 1967 or thereabouts when it first came out in Swedish (well, I'm not sure what language it's in!) and remember being able to easily work this and many other designs in the book even though I didn't understand the words!!  Obviously I've got the paperback edition too - in English - an old git can't have too many books!!!

The reason it appealed to me was it's lack of picots in the days when everything had so many.  I can remember so well looking at it and seeing the clear lines of the design.  

I'm working this in a variegated Perfect Quilter 30 weight!  Well, at the moment but things may change.  Watch this space!!!!


  1. Very pretty thread! I believe I've tatted that doily before, but I have no idea what happened to it. Maybe it's time to do some reorganizing. Who knows what surprises I might find. ;-)

  2. Really like the colors. Looks like a nice doily to make when you really don't want to concentrate on anything.

  3. That is pretty thread, and that is going to be a very pretty doily.

  4. That is gorgeous!!! :) I love the colors!!! :)
    I tried that doily and can't seem to get the long chains in the center to work out well.

  5. I laughed a little bit when I saw it - because I am doing exactly the same doily - from the swedish book! And I have done exactly as much as you have! But in white thread, I´m too covardly to do it in colour, which by the way looked very good!! I have been looking at that doily for a while, because my bridal crown is the one who lookes like this doily, and I like the pattern very much!

  6. Oh, that's SO funny, Sara. I LOVE that book. I've made the mobile several times over the years too. It was brand newly published when I bought it and I didn't know many tatters then. Now I know and have met you and Hannah who are SWEDISH tatters and you know the book too. It's a small world.
