
23 January 2013

Now, why WOULD you?

Use boring needles and needle tat when you can use something like this?
I first spotted this on ebay just before Christmas and had it on my 'watch' list for the whole time it was listed.  I meant to leave a bid but at the last minute did what I'm good at - wandered off and forgot.  

Well, that was the end of it as far as I was concerned but a week or two later I saw this post on Diane's blog.  Well I turned green (not blue which is Diane's favourite colour) and not an ordinary green either but a BRIGHT one - with envy!!!  

I spoke to Diane about the shuttle and she gave me the email address of the lady who makes them.  I wrote to her and she made a penguin shuttle for MEEEE.  Isn't it lovely?  It just reminded me of all the penguin patterns I've done over the years!!!


  1. now i'm the one turning all green... lol
    pretty shuttle!

  2. I'm so glad you were able to get a penguin shuttle! Now I don't have to feel guilty about beating you to the punch. ;-)

  3. I will admit to a twinge of jealously that your tools are reacted to with, 'how pretty' and mine with something akin to fear as it looks more like a weapon, but I think it suits me ;-)

  4. Cute, cute, cute penguin :)
    I believe you must like the color green, as you are making many of us turn said color . . .

  5. Oh, TotusMel, you are SO funny. You're the last person who I would associate with a weapon!!!! Mind I think we're a tad alike - both say what we think but sadly I sometimes forget to put my brain into gear before the words come out of my mouth! I know you can shuttle tat so perhaps you could just collect shuttles just to admire them?

  6. Anonymous1:12 pm

    This is a lovely shuttle that you have got, puts my plain plastic blue one to shame!

  7. I really like your shuttle Jane.
    Very cute.
    Hope the weather there is cooperating with you. Ours is very cold all this week.

  8. Oh Susan, I won't 'use' it. I'll sit and admire it loads and it'll live with all my other beauties in my shuttle collection!!!!
    I've managed to escape today, Ladytats, and we now have fresh food again!!! Lots of snow still left but it's thawing fast!

  9. That is the exact reason why I want to switch to shuttle tatting but I just cannot get my hands to hold the thread right. Needle tatting allows me to still create fun works of art without being frustrated. I do have 3 or 4 shuttles to admire though...

  10. Another shuttle....sounds like your addiction acting up again!!!

  11. So adorable and appropriate for this time of year. Enjoy it.

  12. Totally sweet!!! :)
