
20 June 2013

Done and dusted

Here it is - finally and utterly finished!!!  It IS square even though it looks as if it's not and that it gets smaller to the right of the photo!!!  Must've been the wonky person holding the camera that caused it to turn out like that.

The measurement of the whole thing is 17" square (before you ask in the comments section!!) and it hasn't been put away yet either.  In fact, believe it or not, it's actually sitting on an old chest of drawers in our front room!!!  No idea how long it'll stay there before I get fed up with it and put it in the box!!

Well, one of the several boxes where I put finished tatting!!


  1. Beautiful! It will certainly brighten up a chest of drawers.

  2. I love the big spots of negative white space

  3. Very colourful and I hope it stays out on your table for a long while, well worth displaying.

  4. Beautiful a really marvelous piece of tatting and so good that it will be on display

  5. Art Deco - shape and colours. I love it!

  6. Stunning, Jane. Love the negative space, too.
    Katie V in NC

  7. Beautiful! It looks like a quilt.

  8. Beautiful! It looks like a quilt.

  9. Love it! What I have loved from the beginning and love more with each project, is how you embrace color so fully! No fear of color in you. No ma'am.

    I want to be like you when I grow up! *wink*

  10. It's beautiful! I'm glad you are displaying it instead of putting it away for no one to enjoy.

  11. When you get tired of it, I'll take it off your hands.

    Will you be my mommy?

  12. That is awesome!!! :)

  13. Ummm, Crazy Mom Tats! I'll be over on the next flight to Hotlanta!!!!

  14. Fabulous use of motifs, and would be such a great way to use and experiment with all the colorful threads available to us today! The edging worked out perfectly. This would be a 'Fair' winner, for sure!

  15. Love it...very vibrant and happiness inducing, the edging really makes the whole piece meld into a cohesive creation of color. A little like how a new box of crayons looks so perfect and lovely while held by the box...full of glorious color and perfect in the boxes embrace.

  16. Beautiful! Love all the bright colors.

  17. In a drawer? Oh my! This should be out forever!

    I have this image of your home with drawers stuffed with dating, spilling out over the sides...

  18. Michelle - you're SOOO right!!! Drawers and boxes. I have one or two things which I must 'fish out' and show you all before I stuff them back in!!!!

  19. Jane, that is so beautiful!

  20. So beautiful! when you wake up in the morning you see it and it makes you smiley!
