
14 October 2013

2000 post today

Well who would guess that I've had so much to say about making knots in thread over the years?!?!?  I started this blog in May 2006 and am still rabbiting on with BC3 beside me.
Today is my 2,000 post and I'm so grateful to those who follow and comment and thus keep me going!!!!  It's having the blog which keeps me focussed.  I'm very bad at actually getting patterns onto the web site.  I love the creation and putting them together but after that I forget I've done them and sometimes they stay on the computer for months until something or somebody reminds me they're 'there'.  I don't want fame or fortune through this daft hobby - just another idea in my head will do!!!

Looking back at that first post - I had two comments one of which was from our dear friend Gina.  It must've been Gina that persuaded me to start blogging as she'd been blogging for three years at that time.  In fact it must've been around that time that I first met her at Palmetto Tat Days.  Lovely memories but so sad she's not here to talk to anymore.

This is a pair of earrings she gave me at our last meeting in Cincinnati.


  1. Congratulations on your 2,000 post, lovely earrings.

  2. Congratulations on your 2000th post! Gina would've been proud of you.

  3. 2000! How wonderful and how time flies by. I think I started blogging in 2006 too and you Jane was the first to comment on my blog. I remember it as clear as yesterday. Congrats.

  4. What a lot of anniversaries you have been celebrating this week! - I remember those earrings, Gina was trying out different colour combinations on her blog. They are a lovely memory of her to keep.

  5. 2000 post! Wow that's a lot of work.

  6. Congratulations!! Roll on, post #3000... ;-)

  7. How elegant and fancy you went this time, Gina would approve :)

  8. Congratulations on 2000 posts. Time sure flies when you are having fun. It's so nice to look back and see all the beautiful pieces you have created. Gina was a wonderful encourager to tatland.

  9. Lost my comment, oh well. I am happy you are still here with BC 3 working out your ideas. I am not as good as you to post but am still alive and doing fine. Gina was a special person who made everyone feel loved. She is sorely missed, but I am sure her spirt is with us and prods you to make BC3 work sometimes :) Congrats on post 2000.

  10. Wow.... 2000 posts....hmmm, just a few then!! Here's to the next 2000 (hic!!) now is that posts or patterns.... LOL

    Actually it's all your fault that I started a tattyblog!! Back at the beginning of the year when I returned to tatting with your pram pattern!!! (Gotta blame someone.... may as well be your BC3 rather than mine!!) VBG


  11. Wow!! 2000 posts!! Congratulations! You were the very first blog I found when I started tatting :) So glad you were there with all your lovely patterns and techniques!

  12. Wow!! Congratulations on your milestone! You are truly an inspirations to all tatters!

  13. congrats and keep on posting! I enjoy your posts + patterns. A must stop HERE when on-line.

  14. Congrats & keep posting! This is a
    when I'm on line. Enjoy the day, tat well

  15. Amazing 2,000 whilst I'm coming up to 200!

  16. Oops I meant 300 - not very good at numbers!

  17. Congratulations! Your tatting blog is one of the first I started reading, yours and Gina's, so yes I do remember those earrings. :)

    Here's to 2000 more posts!

  18. congratz on 2000th post! what wonderful memories! love reading your blog!

  19. Congrats, yours was the first blog I ever read, keep it up and keep Gina alive in our hearts.

  20. Thanks everybody. Must say it's surprised me to see how many have commented today. Normal service will continue!!!!

  21. Another milestone and so impressive! I'm in awe! I certainly recognized Gina's earrings. I'm so glad you got to meet her. I was amazed that she started blogging in 2003, a real pioneer! You weren't too far behind in 2006, and you certainly figured out all the complexities of drawing patterns, let alone designing them! Congratulations, again!

  22. Congratulations Jane!
    Your earrings look fabulous!

  23. : ) what a feat! Congrats!

  24. Jane, you are amazing :)

  25. Jane, you are amazing!
