
18 October 2013

Four Fandango coasters

Here we are - now I've got four joined together.  I'm still calling this the Fandango Coaster as one is just right for that purpose.  Four together is just me playing really!!!!

What's interesting is the pattern formed in the middle of the four.  This would show up even more if I'd not changed the colours on the different motifs.  Maybe I'll start another set of four!!!

I will definitely get this pattern up over the weekend so you should get notice of it early next week.  I've just got to sort out a few last hiccups!!!!  


  1. Looking great Jane. the same colour on all 4 certainly would show a pattern in the centre! Can't wait!!!!


  2. You're right - the pattern in the middle, if you can see past the two colours, looks rather like a big, old-fashioned bow!

  3. I agree with every one else and am envisioning colors I want to try! Keep us posted!

  4. Looks really neat and I was wondering what it would look like if you hadn't swapped colors on 2, but I like it!! :)

  5. Keep going - only 60 more squares, alternating colors and joined in 8 rows of 8, and you've got a tatted chessboard!!

    Love it - I'd like to see it in a solid color, too.

  6. I just realized that your Fandago patterns may just be 'the one' for me to use the Lizabeth Apple Pie thread on. ^_^
    Lovely design btw.

  7. Anonymous6:51 pm

    This is lovely! I also have a huge soft spot for square patterns... And, I also just dropped by to say how perfect my hook with a hat is :)
